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4.793.283 resultados, 29.450.556 comentarios, 1.037.175 imágenes, 80.044 vídeos, 86.434 noticias
Chaves - Sporting CP
890 Pts. Elo

2532 Pts. Elo

Sábado, 13 Enero 2024, 19:00
0 - 1
44' Paulinho
0 - 2
52' Trincão
0 - 3
56' Pedro Gonçalves

Eventos del partido


minuto 44'PaulinhoGol de Paulinho
minuto 52'TrincãoGol de Trincão
minuto 56'Pedro GonçalvesGol de Pedro Gonçalves


João CorreiaT. Amarilla
João Correia
minuto 62'
minuto 71'S. CoatesT. Amarilla S. Coates
minuto 91'V. GyökeresT. Amarilla V. Gyökeres


minuto 46'S. CoatesEntra en el partido S. Coates
minuto 46'E. QuaresmaSale del partido E. Quaresma
R. GuzzoEntra en el partido
R. Guzzo
minuto 53'
K. NwakaliSale del partido
K. Nwakali
minuto 53'
Jô BatistaEntra en el partido
Jô Batista
minuto 53'
Hélder MorimSale del partido
Hélder Morim
minuto 53'
S. VitoriaSale del partido
S. Vitoria
minuto 65'
L. SancaSale del partido
L. Sanca
minuto 65'
João PedroEntra en el partido
João Pedro
minuto 65'
Issah AbassEntra en el partido
Issah Abass
minuto 65'
João CorreiaSale del partido
João Correia
minuto 75'
CarraçaEntra en el partido
minuto 75'
minuto 79'Pedro GonçalvesSale del partido Pedro Gonçalves
minuto 79'Daniel BragançaEntra en el partido Daniel Bragança
minuto 85'R. EsgaioSale del partido R. Esgaio
minuto 85'Matheus ReisSale del partido Matheus Reis
minuto 85'NetoEntra en el partido Neto
minuto 85'Dario EssugoEntra en el partido Dario Essugo


minuto 52'Nuno SantosAsistencia Nuno Santos


Estadísticas del partido

Chaves Chaves Sporting CP Sporting CP
Posesión del balón
Tiros a puerta
Tiros fuera
Total tiros
Paradas del portero
Saques de esquina
Fueras de juego
Tarjetas Rojas

6,866,608 bytes
Loading Time Base Classes  0.0012
Controller Execution Time ( Match / Index )  2.4282
Total Execution Time  2.4294
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  CONSULTAS (41)  
1.1828   SELECT c.*, c.stadium as real_stadium, 2024 AS year, dt1.id AS dteam1_id, dt1.nameShow as team1_name, dt1.basealias AS team1_basealias, dt1.fullName as team1_fullName, dt1.color1 AS team1_color1, dt1.seats, dt1.size, dt1.yearBuilt, dt2.id AS dteam2_id, dt2.nameShow as team2_name, dt2.basealias AS team2_basealias, dt2.fullName as team2_fullName, dt2.color1 AS team2_color1, t1.name as team1_Oname, t2.name as team2_Oname, s.id as stadium_id, rs.teamId as stadium_team_id, s.name AS stadium_name, s.size AS stadium_size, s.seats AS stadium_seats, s.yearBuilt AS stadium_yearBuilt, dt1.managerNow AS manager1, dt2.managerNow AS manager2 FROM calendars2024 AS c INNER JOIN teams AS t1 ON c.team1 = t1.id INNER JOIN datateams AS dt1 ON t1.teamId = dt1.id INNER JOIN teams AS t2 ON c.team2 = t2.id INNER JOIN datateams AS dt2 ON t2.teamId = dt2.id LEFT JOIN futbol.rel_stadiums as rs ON rs.teamId=dt1.id AND rs.active=1 LEFT JOIN datastadiums AS s ON s.id = c.stadium WHERE c.extra != 1 AND dt1.basealias = 'Chaves' AND dt2.basealias = 'Sporting-Lisbon'
0.0262  SELECT c.*, 2024 AS year, dt1.id AS dteam1_id, dt1.nameShow AS team1_name, dt1.basealias AS team1_basealias, dt1.fullName AS team1_fullName, dt1.color1 AS team1_color1, dt1.seats, dt1.size, dt1.yearBuilt, dt2.id AS dteam2_id, dt2.nameShow AS team2_name, dt2.basealias AS team2_basealias, dt2.fullName AS team2_fullName, dt2.color1 AS team2_color1, t1.name AS team1_Oname, t2.name AS team2_Oname, s.id AS stadium_id, dt1.id AS stadium_team_id, s.name AS stadium_name, s.size AS stadium_size, s.seats AS stadium_seats, s.yearBuilt AS stadium_yearBuilt, dt1.managerNow AS manager1, dt2.managerNow AS manager2 FROM calendars2024 AS c INNER JOIN teams AS t1 ON c.team1 = t1.id INNER JOIN datateams AS dt1 ON t1.teamId = dt1.id INNER JOIN teams AS t2 ON c.team2 = t2.id INNER JOIN datateams AS dt2 ON t2.teamId = dt2.id LEFT JOIN datastadiums AS s ON s.id = c.stadium WHERE c.extra != 1 AND dt1.basealias = 'Chaves' AND dt2.basealias = 'Sporting-Lisbon'
0.0035   SELECT ev.id AS event_id, ev.player_id, ev.action, ev.minute, ev.teamId AS event_teamId FROM events2024 AS ev WHERE ev.match_id=107711 ORDER BY (ev.action=1 OR ev.action=2 OR ev.action=6 OR ev.action=11 OR ev.action=12 OR ev.action=13) DESC,(ev.action=3 OR ev.action=4 OR ev.action=5) DESC,(ev.action=14 OR ev.action=15 OR ev.action=16 OR ev.action=17 OR ev.action=21) DESC,(ev.action=18 OR ev.action=19) DESC,(ev.action=20 OR ev.action=22) DESC, minute ASC, ev.real_date ASC, ev.id DESC, ev.action DESC
0.0540   SELECT dp.id AS player_id, dp.nick, dp.alias, dp.name, dp.last_name, rp.team_id, rp.teamId, rp.squadNumber AS num FROM dataplayers AS dp INNER JOIN rel_players AS rp ON dp.id=rp.player_id AND league_id=72053 WHERE dp.id IN (287668,340153,425798,326673,93887,284989,851258,147843,295561,276071,980565,25633,824767,148727,365147,156392,341675,148977,248927,138961,907006,201158) AND (rp.team_id=6582569 OR rp.team_id=6582580)
0.0034   SELECT ev.id AS event_id, ev.player_id, ev.action, ev.minute, ev.teamId AS event_teamId FROM events2024 AS ev WHERE ev.match_id=107711 ORDER BY ev.minute ASC, ev.real_date ASC, ev.id DESC
0.0623   SELECT dp.id AS player_id, dp.nick, dp.alias, dp.name, dp.last_name, rp.team_id, rp.teamId, rp.squadNumber AS num FROM dataplayers AS dp INNER JOIN rel_players AS rp ON dp.id=rp.player_id AND league_id=72053 WHERE dp.id IN (287668,93887,851258,340153,201158,147843,295561,276071,980565,425798,326673,25633,824767,148727,365147,156392,341675,148977,248927,138961,907006,284989) AND (rp.team_id=6582569 OR rp.team_id=6582580)
0.0034  SELECT data1 FROM stats2024 t WHERE league_id = 72053 AND teamId = 6582569 and type = 33
0.0034  SELECT data1 FROM stats2024 t WHERE league_id = 72053 AND teamId = 6582580 and type = 33
0.0086  SELECT id,team_id,tactica FROM dreamteam_data_real WHERE league_id = 72053 AND id_match = 107711
0.0527  SELECT rel.*,relp.squadNumber as num,dp.alias,dp.role,dp.name,dp.nick,dp.last_name,dp.id as player_id, 0 AS rating FROM rel_dreamteam_real rel INNER JOIN dreamteam_data_real drea ON drea.id = rel.team_number INNER JOIN dataplayers dp ON dp.id = rel.player_id INNER JOIN rel_players AS relp ON relp.player_id=dp.id AND relp.league_id='72053' AND relp.team_id = drea.team_id WHERE rel.team_number=5143021 GROUP BY dp.id ORDER BY role ASC, pos ASC
0.0387  SELECT rel.*,relp.squadNumber as num,dp.alias,dp.role,dp.name,dp.nick,dp.last_name,dp.id as player_id, 0 AS rating FROM rel_dreamteam_real rel INNER JOIN dreamteam_data_real drea ON drea.id = rel.team_number INNER JOIN dataplayers dp ON dp.id = rel.player_id INNER JOIN rel_players AS relp ON relp.player_id=dp.id AND relp.league_id='72053' AND relp.team_id = drea.team_id WHERE rel.team_number=5142912 GROUP BY dp.id ORDER BY role ASC, pos ASC
0.1710  SELECT mp.`player_id`, p.`nick`, p.`name`, p.`last_name`, mp.`team`, p.role, p.alias, relp.squadNumber as num, p.CountryCode FROM `matchs_players_called` AS mp INNER JOIN `dataplayers` AS p ON mp.`player_id` = p.`id` INNER JOIN rel_players AS relp ON relp.player_id=p.id AND relp.league_id='72053' AND relp.team_id=6582569 WHERE mp.`match_id` = '107711' AND mp.year='2024' AND p.id NOT IN (379707,25633,878699,653107,326673,22196,295561,980565,7040,824767,186694,33514,878698,248927,851258,201158,148977,341540,425798,287668,284989,340153) ORDER BY mp.`team` ASC, p.`role` ASC
0.1536  SELECT mp.`player_id`, p.`nick`, p.`name`, p.`last_name`, mp.`team`, p.role, p.alias, relp.squadNumber as num, p.CountryCode FROM `matchs_players_called` AS mp INNER JOIN `dataplayers` AS p ON mp.`player_id` = p.`id` INNER JOIN rel_players AS relp ON relp.player_id=p.id AND relp.league_id='72053' AND relp.team_id=6582580 WHERE mp.`match_id` = '107711' AND mp.year='2024' AND p.id NOT IN (379707,25633,878699,653107,326673,22196,295561,980565,7040,824767,186694,33514,878698,248927,851258,201158,148977,341540,425798,287668,284989,340153) ORDER BY mp.`team` ASC, p.`role` ASC
0.0037  SELECT kit FROM kit_data_real WHERE league_id = 72053 AND id_match = 107711
0.0040  SELECT p.* FROM `pictures` as p INNER JOIN `rel_pictures` as rp ON p.id = rp.id_picture WHERE rp.id_content = '107711' and rp.type = 2024 GROUP BY p.id ORDER BY p.id DESC LIMIT 0, 16
0.0038  SELECT p.* FROM `videos` as p INNER JOIN `rel_videos` as rp ON p.id = rp.id_video WHERE rp.id_content = '107711' and rp.type = 2024 and p.revised = 1 GROUP BY p.id ORDER BY p.id DESC LIMIT 0, 16
0.0069  SELECT *,rel.id as rel_id FROM `rel_media_match` rel LEFT JOIN media m ON m.id = rel.media_id WHERE m.type='10' AND rel.active = 1 AND rel.league_id = 72053 AND rel.team1 = 6582569 AND rel.team2 = 6582580 ORDER BY FIELD(m.location,'es','en') DESC
0.0034  SELECT iframe, title FROM futbol.match_videos WHERE matchId = 107711 AND year = 2024 AND channel = 'Footters' LIMIT 1
0.0034  SELECT iframe, title FROM futbol.match_videos WHERE matchId = 107711 AND year = 2024 AND channel = 'Footters' LIMIT 1
0.0060  SELECT *,rel.id as rel_id FROM `rel_media_match` rel LEFT JOIN media m ON m.id = rel.media_id WHERE m.type='11' AND rel.active = 1 AND rel.league_id = 72053 AND rel.team1 = 6582569 AND rel.team2 = 6582580 ORDER BY FIELD(m.location,'es','en') DESC
0.0036  SELECT dt.nameShow,dt.basealias,t.id,t.teamId FROM teams t INNER JOIN datateams dt ON t.teamId = dt.id WHERE t.league_id = 72053 ORDER BY dt.relations DESC, dt.nameShow ASC LIMIT 50
0.0125  SELECT c.team1, c.team2,c.extra,c.datateam1,c.datateam2, c.shedule,c.id, c.r1, c.r2, c.round, dt1.nameShow as team1_name, dt2.nameShow as team2_name, dt1.basealias as basealias1, dt2.basealias as basealias2,c.comments,c.league_id FROM `calendars2024` as c INNER JOIN teams t1 ON t1.id = c.team1 AND t1.league_id = c.league_id INNER JOIN teams t2 ON t2.id = c.team2 AND t2.league_id = c.league_id INNER JOIN datateams as dt1 ON dt1.id = t1.teamId INNER JOIN datateams as dt2 ON dt2.id = t2.teamId WHERE c.`league_id` = 72053 AND c.`round` = 17 ORDER BY shedule ASC LIMIT 12
0.0089  SELECT t.*,dt.nameShow,dt.basealias,dt.id as teamId,(cast(t.gf as signed) - cast(t.ga as signed) + 100) as diff,team.teamId FROM `tables2024` as t INNER JOIN teams as team ON team.id = t.team INNER JOIN datateams as dt ON team.teamId = dt.id WHERE t.league_id = 72053 AND t.round = 17 ORDER BY team.conference ASC,t.position ASC,t.points DESC,t.priority DESC, diff DESC, t.gf DESC, dt.nameShow ASC
0.0035  SELECT points,gf,ga,win_h,win_a,draw_h,draw_a,lose_h,lose_a FROM `tables2024` WHERE league_id = 72053 AND round >= 34 AND round <= 34 AND team = 6582569 ORDER BY round ASC
0.0092  SELECT t.*,dt.nameShow,dt.basealias,dt.id as teamId,(cast(t.gf as signed) - cast(t.ga as signed) + 100) as diff,team.teamId FROM `tables2024` as t INNER JOIN teams as team ON team.id = t.team INNER JOIN datateams as dt ON team.teamId = dt.id WHERE t.league_id = 72053 AND t.round = 34 ORDER BY team.conference ASC,t.position ASC,t.points DESC,t.priority DESC, diff DESC, t.gf DESC, dt.nameShow ASC
0.0036  SELECT dr.name as showName, dr2.name as referee_var FROM calendars2024 as c INNER JOIN rel_calendars_referee as r ON c.id = r.match_id and r.year=2024 and r.role=1 INNER JOIN datareferees dr on dr.id=r.referee_id INNER JOIN rel_calendars_referee as r2 ON c.id = r2.match_id and r2.year=2024 and r2.role=2 INNER JOIN datareferees dr2 on dr2.id=r2.referee_id WHERE c.team1 = 6582569 AND c.team2 = 6582580 AND c.league_id = 72053
0.0042  SELECT `id`, `text` FROM `matchs_news_keys` WHERE `match_id`='107711' AND `active` = 1 AND year = 2024
0.0041  SELECT `id`, `text`, `link`, `media` FROM `matchs_news_headlines` WHERE `match_id`='107711' AND `active` = 1 AND year = 2024
0.0839  SELECT mp.`player_id`, p.`nick`, p.`name`, p.`last_name`, mp.`team`, p.role, p.alias, relp.squadNumber as num, p.CountryCode FROM `matchs_players_called` AS mp INNER JOIN `dataplayers` AS p ON mp.`player_id` = p.`id` INNER JOIN rel_players AS relp ON relp.player_id=p.id AND relp.league_id='72053' AND relp.team_id=6582569 WHERE relp.in_squad=1 and mp.`match_id` = '107711' AND mp.year='2024' ORDER BY mp.`team` ASC, p.`role` ASC
0.1012  SELECT mp.`player_id`, p.`nick`, p.`name`, p.`last_name`, mp.`team`, p.role, p.alias, relp.squadNumber as num, p.CountryCode FROM `matchs_players_called` AS mp INNER JOIN `dataplayers` AS p ON mp.`player_id` = p.`id` INNER JOIN rel_players AS relp ON relp.player_id=p.id AND relp.league_id='72053' AND relp.team_id=6582580 WHERE relp.in_squad=1 and mp.`match_id` = '107711' AND mp.year='2024' ORDER BY mp.`team` ASC, p.`role` ASC
0.0053  SELECT id, team_id FROM dreamteam_data_real WHERE league_id = '72053' AND id_match = '107711'
0.0055   SELECT rel.*, dp.name, dp.nick, dp.last_name, dp.id as player_id, 0 AS rating FROM rel_dreamteam_real rel INNER JOIN dataplayers dp ON dp.id = rel.player_id WHERE rel.team_number = '5143021' ORDER BY rating DESC LIMIT 1
0.0041   SELECT rel.*, dp.name, dp.nick, dp.last_name, dp.id as player_id, 0 AS rating FROM rel_dreamteam_real rel INNER JOIN dataplayers dp ON dp.id = rel.player_id WHERE rel.team_number = '5142912' ORDER BY rating DESC LIMIT 1
0.0034  SELECT total FROM bs_rel_resume_items WHERE ln = 'es' AND itemId=107711 AND extraId = 72053 AND type_rel = 4
0.0034  SELECT total FROM bs_rel_resume_items WHERE ln = 'es' AND itemId=19 AND type_rel = 3
0.0546  SELECT rel.newId FROM bs_news_rel rel WHERE rel.type_rel = 3 AND rel.typeId = 19 AND rel.ln = 'es' AND rel.status=1 ORDER BY rel.creation_date desc,rel.cover_points DESC LIMIT 5
0.0059  SELECT /*53 bs_news_model*/ n.id, n.author_id, n.headline, n.external_headline, n.live_headline, n.creation_date, n.update_date, n.pub_date, n.alias, n.subheadline, n.teaser, n.media, n.tags, n.views, n.screens, n.clicks, n.relations, n.comments, n.power_cover, n.cover_points, u.name as user_name FROM bs_news n INNER JOIN bs_editors u ON u.id = n.author_id AND u.ln = 'es' WHERE n.status = 1 AND n.ln = 'es' AND n.id IN (1319970,1319962,1319533,1319197,1319045) ORDER BY n.cover_points DESC, update_date DESC
0.0044  SELECT rating1, rating2 FROM calendars_elo WHERE id=107711 AND league_id=72053 AND year=2024
0.0034  SELECT position FROM tables2024 WHERE team=6582569 AND league_id=72053 AND round=17
0.0034  SELECT position FROM tables2024 WHERE team=6582580 AND league_id=72053 AND round=17
0.0034  SELECT * FROM futbol.calendars_lineups WHERE id = 107711 AND league_id = 72053 AND year = 2024